My love for the "GOD OF SMALL THINGS" is kind of well known among my friends..but there is a godess of small things in my little furball with the ever waggy tail...
Few years back,when she was around 3-4 years,she had a cat-friend...we used to call that cat "peekkiri poocha" came 2 see jaani evry morning by 11am..huddled on top of the compound a safe distance from jaani...and they used to sit there face to face peacefully...
Then there was a crow..whom i christened as "friendy kaakka" who had dis strange habit of picking up raw fish from the fisherwoman and offering it to jaani...she ofcourse ignored the fish..(she's very fussy..dat gal! ) but she waited for friendy kaakka to come evryday..
last week when i came home...amma was going on about how she is friends with a lizard..(whom i named lizzie) and oh my god..dis li'll 7 year old daschund of mine actually struck a cordial chord with a lizard..!!
may be next time i come home,it might be an ant whom i have to name...i dont mind as long as im amused by how she connects with all living organisms around darling GODESS OF SMALL THINGS..!